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派翠西亞·D·科斯塔(原姓奧利裡)於 2022 年 10 月 3 日意外去世。柯蒂斯(已故)和妮可·布雷思韋特(亞當)的獻身母親;傑克森和麥迪珍惜麥莫;唐納德(金)奧利里和泰瑞(凱文)戴維斯的親愛的妹妹;凱西·科斯塔 (Cathy Costa) 的嫂子;凱莉(丹)卡茲米爾斯基和梅根奧利裡的慈愛姑姑;她的第一任丈夫安東尼·巴龍已去世。帕蒂個性熱情好客,無論走到哪裡都交到了朋友。她的朋友都是她大家庭的一部分。
可以以她的名義向人類成長基金會捐款(線上或透過郵寄至 997 Glen Cove Ave #5, Glen Head, NY 11545)。

留言 (17)
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I loved this Lady!!!
What a sad passing, Patti and I went to school together and I had only reconnected during a class reunion....she'll be missed for sure.......
I am still in shock at the sudden passing of a dear friend and confidant. Having known and worked with Patti for almost 20 years I feel like I lost a guardian angel and miss her every day! Amalia💔
I was very saddened to learn of Patti’s sudden passing. I knew Patti very well, for over 30 years, first as a member of the HGF Board of Directors and rhen as Executive Director. She always seemed to have a positive attitude and a smile on her face. She probably knew the history and purpose of the HGF better than anyone, and will be greatly missed.
Campbell Howard, MD
I am so saddened to have heard of Patti's passing. Having known Patti and her tireless work with the Human Growth Foundation over the past 18 years I can say without a doubt that the patients, parents, and health care professionals she touched are in a better place today because of it. My condolences to her family and the HGF community. RIP Patti.
Joe Burns
So saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Patti. She was an amazing person with such a generous, caring soul. Patti did so much for so many! I consider myself blessed to have known her for 20+ years. Words cannot express enough gratitude for all she has done. Rest well, Patti. You will be missed. ~Laura Deville
Words cannot express the loss of our Patti. She was a trusted friend, a counselor and guidance to anyone that needed her. She worked tirelessly for HGF and children. She has touched so many lives that any of us that had the honor to know her and call her a dear friend will hold her close in our hearts always. We share our loss with everyone and offer condolences to her wonderful family. Heaven has gained a beautiful angel. Rest In Peace our Patti, you are missed always but will remain in our hearts forever.
Much love Cathy and Tom Metzinger
Thank you for everything you did for the GH-deficient community. Rest in peace. My condolences to all her loved ones. From B. Fogerty (a grateful patient in London, England)
I 'm sorry that I didn't have oppurtinity to meet her. I wish her a peaceful rest.
Olcay Evliyaoğlu
I am heartbroken to learn of Patti’s sudden and unexpected passing! I had the great pleasure of interacting with Patti for over 25 years through her role in coordinating communications, educational programs, exhibits and more between the HGF and the Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society, Florida Endocrine Nursing Society, and other professional organizations. She was an amazing, beautiful, strong, resilient, intelligent, vivacious woman, a dear friend, a staunch patient advocate, and a savvy administrator. The world has lost one of the greatest examples of a heart dedicated to selfless service to others, and heaven has gained an angel unlike any other. Patti, you were loved more than words can express and are missed more than you can imagine. Kelly Mullholand Behm