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Deadline for Letter of Intent: 

May 10, 2025



Program Contact:

Research Grants Department



Program Statement:

The Human Growth Foundation Research Grants Program supports the investigation of human growth and its disorders. Special consideration will be given to new investigations and ideas novel to the field. Postdoctoral and junior faculty research dealing with all normal and abnormal growth aspects in biological, psychological, and educational areas will be considered. Residents in-training may also apply provided there is documentation of allotted time to be able to complete the project.


Up to four one-year grants will be awarded, with the amount of each grant to be determined by the Grants Review Committee and with a maximum individual award being $10,000.00.



Conditions of Grant Award:​


A.) Principal investigator (PI) must be a resident, postdoctoral fellow, or junior faculty member either at or affiliated with an academic institution.


B.) Preference will be given to an investigation not previously supported by grant funding

(from any source).


C.) If the proposal is related to a currently funded study, the rationale for the project must be clearly articulated and justified.


D.) If the PI is awarded an HGF grant, the investigation results must acknowledge the HGF grant award in any publications or presentations/talks, and a final report of the study must be submitted to HGF in writing at the cessation of the grant. One investigator will then be selected to speak at an HGF event on a virtual platform (such as one of HGF's lecture series, webinars, or "Ask the Expert" sessions).


E.) There are no indirect costs for this grant award. 


F.) Funds may not be used for the salary support of the PI. 


G.) PI must be a member of HGF (see link below).



How to Apply:


  1. The PI must be an HGF Member.​

  2. Submit a biographical sketch in NIH format (directions here), and submit 1-2-page Letter of Intent (LOI) online explaining the project's rationale and goal (s) along with the proposed budget.

  3. Click here to submit.



Review Process:


All LOIs received by HGF by the deadline of May 10, 2025 will be submitted to its Research Grants Committee, which consists of physician-scientists (in clinical, translational, and basic science research). Applicants proposing projects most relevant to HGF's interests in growth and rare endocrine & bone disorders will be invited to submit full proposals.



Selected applicants will be notified by email by June 25, 2025, at which time HGF will request submission of a FULL GRANT APPLICATION  of no more than five pages prepared in a modified NIH FORMAT. 



This full application will be due at the HGF International Headquarters no later than

August 1, 2025, at 11:59 P.M.




  1. Do you provide F & A/Indirect cost?  No.

  2. Are there time requirements for the Principal Researcher?  As per your institution.

  3. Do you require institutions to sign off on the Full Application?  Yes, institutions must sign off.




To avoid the risk of an incomplete proposal being submitted for review, please stay within the parameters of the page guidelines outlined in the announcement  (for both the LOI and the grant proposal).





Upload Biographical Sketch
Upload Letter of Intent

Thank You.

Research Grant Form

© 2024-2025 by Human Growth Foundation | 1-844-661-5550

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