2024 - Rohan Henry, MD, Columbus, OH - Identificación de patrones asociados con el desarrollo y detección del hipotiroidismo secundario durante el tratamiento de la GHD
2024 - Vidhu Thaker, MD - Nueva York, NY - Establecimiento del papel de OCRL en la regulación del crecimiento una vez por semana frente a la evaluación de la calidad de vida, la carga del tratamiento y el cumplimiento de una vez al día
2024 - Emily Breidhart, MD, Nueva York, NY - Hormona de crecimiento (GH) en la deficiencia pediátrica de GH (GHD)
2023 - Reena Perchard, MD - Manchester, Reino Unido - Transcriptómica y análisis eQTL para identificar marcadores de enfermedades cardiovasculares en la vida temprana
2023 - Alicia Belgorosky, MD, Buenos Aires, AR - Regulación epigenética de genes implicados en la cascada de señalización del eje GH-IGF-1 e implicación de la insulina en el crecimiento posnatal
2023 - Josephine T. Tauer, MD, Montreal, Canadá - Alteraciones del microbioma en la osteogénesis imperfecta
2022 - Nathalia Liberatoscioli Menezes de Andrade, MD - Sao Paulo, BR - Patrones de crecimiento e impacto de los hallazgos genéticos en el tratamiento con rhGH de niños inicialmente clasificados como idiopáticos
Estatura baja
2022 - Amish Chinoy, MD, Manchester, Reino Unido - El impacto del tratamiento con hormona de crecimiento recombinante en la función muscular en niños con GHD
2022 - Nancy Dunbar, MD, Hartford, CT - Investigación del metabolismo óseo y el crecimiento en niños que reciben terapias dietéticas cetogénicas
2020 - Paolo N. Catalano, PHD, Buenos Aires, AR - Nanocompuestos a base de sílice y colágeno para mejorar los tratamientos para la deficiencia de la hormona del crecimiento
2019 - Armen Yerevanian, MD, Boston, MA - Efectos de la hormona del crecimiento en la expresión del gen homeobox específico del depósito en el tejido adiposo
2018 - Kevin Brennan, PHD, Palo Alto, CA - Aplicación de citometría masiva para identificar mecanismos epigenéticos objetivo de desregulación transcripcional en el síndrome de Sotos
2017 - Madhulika Gupta, MD, Ontario, Canadá
2024 - Despoina Galetaki, MD, Washington DC
2023 - Nicole Rangos, MD, Washington DC
2022 - Presley Nichols, MD, Nueva York, Nueva York
2021 - Gajanthan Muthuvel, MD, Cincinnati, OH
2020 - Obiageli Obi, MD, Springfield, MA
2019 - Alexandrou Eirene, MD, Cincinnati, OH
2018 - Tamar Baer, MD, Nueva York, Nueva York
2017 - Renata M. de Noronha, MD, Sao Paulo, Brasil
2016/2015 - Ovidiu A. Galescu, MD, Bethesda, MD
2014/2013 - Ola Nilsson, MD Bethesda, MD
2012 - Fariha Kamran, MD, Bethesda, MD
2011 - Katie Larson-Ode, MD, Iowa City, IA
2010 - Angela Delaney, MD, Bethesda, MD
2009 - Christopher Romero, MD, Baltimore, MD
2008 - Gabriella Finkielstain, MD, Bethesda, MD
2007 - Elvira Isganaitis, MD, Boston, MA
Human Growth Foundation
2024 Poster Awards
Best Case Presentation: Amy E. Moon, RN for Multiple Co-morbidities Associated with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia-X (CAH-X): An Informative Pediatric Case Report
Research: Colleen Chambers, MSN, APRN, CPNP-PC, DNP Student for Utilizing Motivational Interviewing (MI) with Adolescents and Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) to Improve Self-Management
Informational: Rosemary O’Dell, MSN for The Importance of Nursing in a Turner Syndrome Multidisciplinary Clinic
Conference Reimbursement Scholarships
Clinical Exemplar:
Barb Lightner, CNP, CDE
Crystal Muth, MSN, RN, CPN
Shanna Wosick, RN
Cindy Young, RN, BSN
Poster Abstract:
Jane Torkelson, MS, RN
2023 Poster Awards
Best Case Presentation: Amy Drilling MSN, RN, CDCES for Aromatase Inhibitor Monotherapy in Non-Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Research: Amy Moon, BSN, RN for Course of COVID-19 infection in patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Novice: Jennifer L. Brown, BSN, RN for Effects of Untreated Congenital Hypothyroidism
2022 Poster Award
Best Case Study: Jamie Faedtke, RN for Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young Type 2 (MODY2) In Siblings
Novice: Caitlin Schaefer, BSN, RN, RD, CDCES; Jamie Faedtke, RN; Kristine Welsh, MSN, CPNP for Addressing the Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic in the Pediatric Population: A Nurse Championed Intervention
Novice: Oretha Johnson, BSN, RN; Roopa Kanakatti Shankar, MBBS, MS for Neuropsychological Assessments Aid in Planning for Transition to Adult Care in Turner Syndrome
2021 Poster Award
Best Poster: Marian Hart and Margo Black, Kathryn Dahir, Ruban Dhaliwal, Jill Simmons, Erik A. Imel, Gary S. Gottesman, John D. Mahan, Gnanagurudasan Prakasam, Allison I. Hoch, Prameela Ramesan, Maria Díaz-González de Ferris for Healthcare Transition Preparation in X-Linked Hypophosphatemia
Novice: Catherine Espinoza, Pedro A. Sanchez-Lara, Katheryn Grand, Paula Glasshauser, Bahareh Schweiger for Delayed Presentation of Hypoglycemia in Newborn with Congenital Hyperinsulinism
2020 Poster Award
Informational Abstract: Khristan Heagle, RN, JD for Alternative, Non-Pharmacological Treatments for Adolescents Diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Could Vitamins, Minerals or Omega Oils Be Beneficial?
Nursing Research: La Tonya Ivy, MSN, BC-ADM, CDCES, CDTC for School Personnel’s Knowledge, Attitudes, and Management Practices about Diabetes Care in Shelby County, TN and Surrounding Counties in Arkansas and Mississippi
Novice: Jennifer Stefanich, MSN, APRN for Promoting Early Identification of 47,XXY Based On Emerging Early Intervention and Treatment Options
2019 Poster Award
Informational Abstract: Khristan Heagle, RN, JD for Alternative, Non-Pharmacological Treatments for Adolescents Diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Could Vitamins, Minerals or Omega Oils Be Beneficial?
Nursing Research: La Tonya Ivy, MSN, BC-ADM, CDCES, CDTC for School Personnel’s Knowledge, Attitudes, and Management Practices about Diabetes Care in Shelby County, TN and Surrounding Counties in Arkansas and Mississippi
Novice: Jennifer Stefanich, MSN, APRN for Promoting Early Identification of 47,XXY Based On Emerging Early Intervention and Treatment Options
2018 Poster Award
Informational Abstract: Elizabeth Joyal for CAH-X Syndrome: Expanding the Phenotype of Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia to Include Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Case Presentation Abstract: Linda Steinkrauss, MSN, RN, CPNP for Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes and Reactive Hypoglycemia Without Exogenous Insulin
Nursing Research: Jennifer Morone, MA-ATR, BS-RN for Sample Demographics and Cultural Responsiveness in Psychosocial and Behavioral Interventions with Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A Systematic Review
2017 Poster Award
Best Nursing Research Poster Award: Morgan Grabinoski, BSN for Screening for Depression in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Best Informational Poster Award: Amelia Vinson, RN and Lisa Guerra, RN for Lipid Screening in Youth
Best Case Presentation Poster Award: Michelle McLoughlin, MSN, CRNP, CPNP-AC for Classical Congenital Hyperplasia Diagnosed Outside of Newborn Period