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مؤسسة النمو البشري (HGF) هي أقدم منظمة غير ربحية من نوعها. يعمل HGF كرائد عالمي في أبحاث الغدد الصماء والتعليم ،

patient advocacy, and support.

HGF provides:
Research Support
Family Education and Advocacy
Public Outreach & Awareness
Support of Parents of Children with

Growth & Bone Conditions

دعم البالغين الذين يعانون من حالات النمو والعظام
تدريب متخصصي النمو والعظام
Education for Healthcare Providers

Our Mission


The Human Growth Foundation (HGF) was founded in 1965, by five families of children with growth disorders. HGF's primary purpose was to identify other parents and children and to seek the support of the public for research and treatment for

growth hormone deficiency.


Our vision is to help children with growth disorders, adults with growth hormone deficiency, and healthcare providers reach new heights by providing awareness/outreach programs. HGF intends to offer support, features, and up-to-date information on newly discovered and existing disorders, diseases, and syndromes of growth abnormalities, in an effort to increase awareness and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

نحتاج دعمك اليوم!

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