Advertising and Sponsorship Disclaimer
The Human Growth Foundation (HGF) believes that information about products and services that could benefit healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers should be made available as resources to help them make informed decisions.
As such, reference to specific products, services, organizations, or claims made in advertisements or sponsorships through any HGF medium - including, but not limited to, HGF e-News, HGF website, extension websites, publications, the HGF events (online and in-person) — does not evaluate advertised products or services nor assess advertising claims.
Neither the appearance of advertising in publications of HGF, nor reference to a product within the same, constitutes a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of such product or of the claims made about it by its manufacturer. Advertisements are randomly placed, and there is no predetermined relationship between the content and the advertisement. Advertisement is distinguished by the word "Sponsor".
The Human Growth Foundation reserves the right to decline or refuse advertisements.